Sunday, October 5, 2008

School holiday's is over~

First of all..SELAMAT HARI RAYA.lmbt 5 hari.hahaha.Raya this year wasnt so bad.There are few houses that I havent visited yet lagipun ku mls jua kan visit.because its boring!cukup tah ampau ku $20.hahaha

Didnt go out much because ku malar drumah saja. Only the 1st and 3rd day sja ku bejln2,then the 2nd and 4th day kmi open house, yg the 2nd day tu for those yg mau braya krumah kmi.we serve sja food.The second open house is for friends and family.I expected this year more of my invited friends to come, too bad it turns out to be almost the same as last year.This year Udin came which is good.hehe, and also the twins.They always come to my house every year.we've been friends since primary 2 and i still know which one's Wafi and Farhan.hahahaha.Like Amal said 'kwn lma plg dtg.kwn baru inda'

How do I feel?well..I feel dissapointed and down i guess.I'm not in a good mood yesterday.I just sat here and there and most if the time I went upstairs and watch Tv which we shouldnt do when there's someone beraya at my house.hahaha.see how bored i was yesterday.hahaha.If i knew there were only few that will come to my house I would have go to my tuition class rathers than doing nothing.It cost $10 per class.that's not cheap.What a waste of $10.

Today I skipped school psl inda tebangun.hahaha.I was very tired yesterday.Around 12+ baru tah semua org balik.hahaha.I watched the Man C and Liv match.Man C was leading in the first half 2-0.At the second half they lost to liv 2-3.It started because one of their team mate was goven the red card because of that their game was like'kucar kacir'.hahaha.They can't even attack because Robinho was alone upfront.The defence lagi malar cuai.That's how it become 2-3 in the end.haha

That's all for now.nanti tah ku simpan the pic's when I have the time to upload it.bye~


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