Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Since the past few days I have been listening to this few songs from NIDJI and D'MASIV.inda plg lwa bnr the song..but I like it.hahaha

Di Antara Kalian - D`MASIV

Love the lyric!like what my sis said"ouch!"hahahaha.

I have always been a fan of Project Pop psl ulah dorang cali and some of their songs lwa.This vid is their latest song.I laughed the first time I saw it.They copycat some other well-known Indonsin singers.I love the Nidji and Letto part.psl they really copycat them.sma wah the way they sing.hahaha

Project Pop- Bukan Supertar

This pic I made it few days ago.not really good for me.I know I can do better.hahaha.Its been a while ku nda pkai photoshop ni.my skills hilang udh even thought its not that good but its better to have some.hahaha

That's all for now.


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