I cant go out much this holiday because my parents told me to study...I know..gila kn?holiday studying..does that even sounds like holiday?just 4 days after hols udh tia kna sruh bljr -_-
Bh enough with the study2 thing.Lastnight went to Amee's house for the doa selamat and bbq?yg ada sweetpie ku,Sajjad,Seii and Aie.Went late psl no one can send me early.Then came home late jua with Aie..maybe psl kmi akhir dtg tu kli ytah akhir jua balik.haha.at 12 midnight balik..and sampat lgi tu greet si Amee..HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!hahaa.sorry I dont have a pic of you. =D
Tu sja kli..oh2 before I go..PAO CHI MISS MY UBERMAN!! HAHAHAHA.
Miss you to the very2